This is a cultural centre in Irpin. Foreign delegations come here to clearly show the consequences of the so-called “russian world” that left its dirty trails in Kyiv region since the beginning of large-scale invasion into our homeland.

The building in this small Ukrainian town took multiple hits. It was a tough spot in early March. Russian troops never came to this part of the town but used a lot of artillery shells to hit it.

It is symbolic that putinists shelled the architectural building constructed during the Soviet time that they are trying to revive by force.

Sculptures of a male proletarian and a female worker may be seen next to the building’s entrance. These are typical for that period. They survived the shelling of the admirers of the “Stalinist Renaissance”. The “worker”’s sculpture, however, had his legs damaged by the shrapnel. Shooting the legs of civilian Ukrainians who were captured during the occupation is among the features of russian executioners.

The grids decorated with harps on the windows of the building did not save the glass from false cacophony of salvos of multiple rockets fired by the “bearers of the russian culture”. The roof fell from this madness.  One could possibly have some heated discussions in the educated environment, risking a war between the opponents. But bringing culture to the people using a war is a psychological barbarism…

Leo Tolstoy, the “great russian writer” called for “non-resistance to evil by violence”. Since the evil savages came from swampy Muscovy to Ukraine, their “russian classic literature” does not sound right when using literary language. And we will respond to the “russian world” in the way of our Ukrainian culture, making them pay for every teardrop on faces of our children - without the need to quote Dostoyevsky.

Photos by Serhiy KOVALCHUK and Olha VITER